This evening 5-25-09 while at my studio I decided to closed up shop to attended the Henderson, Ky Memorial Day Ceremony at the Central Park. As a photographer, I got some pretty good shots. But while looking through the lenses to focus, something was missing. Not one black participant. No black speaker, No blacks firing in the 21 gun salute. That is disturbing because I am a Veteran. I spent 4 years in the 82 nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg , NC . I was in the Grenada Invasion in 83. So I got home and watching MSNBC News there was a segment on “The Unforgotten Soldiers.” These were the black WW2 Soldiers that history turned their heads again on. It never made the History Books. Next year, I hope that those that put this program together will not turn their head, and fine those Unforgotten soldiers that helped wrote History.