"I Was There"

I drove to Baltimore Saturday morning on the 17th, and stayed with my sister and her family. We got up and drove to Washington DC Monday 19th. I wanted to take pictures of that day because that was as close as I was going to get because I did not have a ticket. I took 3 cameras, 2 Nikon digital and 1 Nikon film. The photos I took in DC were nice but that same day, we drove to Arlington and I wanted to photograph President Kennedy grave site, and the changing of the Guards. What a strange feeling, to be so close to JFK grave, and a man that tried to bring the Nation together. From the evils of racial
discrimination that continues to hurt our nation. We as Americans have come a long way, but with this new era, the hill is not as steep to climb.

On January the 20th, got up at 2am in Baltimore to drive 30 minutes to catch a bus, and the temperature was 22 degrees. Then we had to go to a train station the catch the Metro, which
was about a 30 minute drive. Got in DC and had to walk about 3 to 4 blocks. I told my sister, “I just want to get into the mall.” We cut through a college fence because there was No police directing us. There was no crowd control what so ever. One guy next to me just jumped over the fence, just to get into the mall. But once I got in, I was so happy, cold, but happy.

One picture that stood out from all the pictures that I took that day is the one with the American Flags and these two guys of color standing listening to their new President speak. I wonder what they were feeling at that moment.

We had a very good time and the people were very friendly. I can truly say that I was a part of history on, January 20th, 2009.

Because "I Was There."